The Chosen

Auszug von Wikipedia: The Chosen (Fernsehserie)

The Chosen (deutsch: Die Auserwählten) ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehserie, die auf dem Leben von Jesus von Nazaret basiert. Die Serie zeigt Jesus durch die Augen derer, die ihm begegnet sind. Sie versucht so zu erklären, warum Menschen ihr bisheriges Leben hinter sich ließen, um ihm nachzufolgen. Ebenso wird die Ablehnung Jesu durch die damaligen religiösen Autoritäten gezeigt. Die Serie wird vom US-amerikanischen Filmemacher Dallas Jenkins konzipiert, inszeniert und mitgeschrieben.

Ab dem 21. Januar 2023 war The Chosen erstmals im deutschen Fernsehen auf Bibel TV zu sehen. Die Deutschlandpremiere erfolgte jedoch bereit am 27. August 2021 im Internet. Auch auf Prime Video und Netflix ist die Serie verfügbar.

Auszug von Wikipedia: The Chosen (TV series)

The Chosen is an American Christian historical drama television series. Created, directed, and co-written by filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, it is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. Primarily set in Judaea and Galilee in the 1st century, the series centers on Jesus and the different people who met and followed or otherwise interacted with him. The series stars Jonathan Roumie as Jesus as well as Shahar Isaac, Elizabeth Tabish, Paras Patel, Noah James, and George H. Xanthis.

Noting there had never been a multi-season, episode-based portrayal of Jesus and his disciples that could be "binge-watched" in the same way as shows on streaming mediums such as Netflix, Dallas Jenkins put together a writing team and production staff for his series vision. When scripts and direction for The Chosen series started coming together, he created a partnership with Angel Studios, formerly VidAngel. With the intention of differing from previous portrayals of Jesus, Jenkins crafted a story arc which focused more on the people who encountered and followed Jesus, how they viewed him through their eyes. He has stated in interviews that he sought to present Jesus in a way that was more "personal, intimate, [and] immediate".

The show's producers primarily employed a crowdfunding approach to finance production. Seasons 1-3 saw the crowdfunding through Angel Studios platform; beginning with season four, crowdfunding was moved to the Come and See Foundation. Due to the positive response from viewers, The Chosen has become the most successful crowdfunded TV series or film project in history. Additional revenue comes through licensing to other streaming platforms and TV networks, such as Amazon Prime Video, Peacock, and Netflix. Merchandise and video sales provide additional sources of revenue, as have limited premiere runs in cinemas. The show has been further adapted into a series of novels by Jenkins's father, author Jerry B. Jenkins, a series of graphic novels by Corvus Comics, and companion Bible study materials published by David C. Cook.

According to a 2022 analysis commissioned by the show's producers, 108 million had seen at least part of the show through the app and streaming platforms. Translation into as many as 600 languages is being funded by the Come and See Foundation.